I am out and about at Festivals all summer and will next be processing orders on 15 August. You may place an order but it will not be processed until these dates. Thank you for your understanding

sustainable luxury fashion

Gillian Smellie

I love clothes, I genuinely love getting dressed in the morning and choosing what to wear.  But I also hate what fashion has done and continues to do to our planet.  We can do better.  

Join the conversation.  Let us learn from each other and together take steps to make change happen.

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Next Event

Meet The Maker Lowick Artisan Fair Northumberland TD15 2UE

Sunday 26 May 10-4


What do we wear?  Why do we wear it?  Could we choose better?

A brown merino wool jacket with three different visible mends and a needle threaded with blue thread. One mend is pink and blue woven darning. One is bright orange darning and one is blue darning

Is #MendItMay ready to break out?

You reach over to the other side of your desk and hear that unmistakable sound of a seam ripping and you know that everybody now knows that you have a pair of funky pink and purple spotted knickers.  But equally annoying, your otherwise perfectly good trousers are now unwearable.  What do you do? According to a report by the Environmental Protection Agency (2021) 57% of people would do nothing.  A more recent report by WRAP

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You cannot make a revolution with silk gloves

My reading went through a Russian period when I was about 16.  Pre-revolutionary authors, dissidents (I read all of Solzhenitsyn), and biographies, several of Stalin.  His quote, you cannot make a revolution with silk gloves references Lenin’s earlier  quote that you cannot make a revolution with white gloves.  In other words you  have to get your hands dirty.  Whilst that may be true for political upheavals and both Lenin and Stalin had rather filthy hands,

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A brown merino wool jacket with three different visible mends and a needle threaded with blue thread. One mend is pink and blue woven darning. One is bright orange darning and one is blue darning

Is #MendItMay ready to break out?

You reach over to the other side of your desk and hear that unmistakable sound of a seam ripping and you know that everybody now knows that you have a pair of funky pink and purple spotted knickers.  But equally annoying, your otherwise perfectly good trousers are now unwearable.  What do you do? According to a report by the Environmental Protection Agency (2021) 57% of people would do nothing.  A more recent report by WRAP

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You cannot make a revolution with silk gloves

My reading went through a Russian period when I was about 16.  Pre-revolutionary authors, dissidents (I read all of Solzhenitsyn), and biographies, several of Stalin.  His quote, you cannot make a revolution with silk gloves references Lenin’s earlier  quote that you cannot make a revolution with white gloves.  In other words you  have to get your hands dirty.  Whilst that may be true for political upheavals and both Lenin and Stalin had rather filthy hands,

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