Ethical and Environmental Policy

Gillian Smellie Eco Print Textiles (GSEPT) is committed to working within an ethical framework and reducing their environmental impact to the lowest level possible.  These aims and actions taken thereof will be monitored and reviewed on a minimum annual basis and practices and policies changed accordingly if appropriate.

This policy is based upon the Bruntland Commission’s definition of sustainable development1 .

GSEPT is committed to working towards an entirely circular method of production and consumption.  This method will require minimum non-renewable input possible and no product produced and sold by GSEPT should ever need to be sent to landfill but can be repurposed by GSEPT until unsuitable for use and will be composted.

GSEPT will comply with all current environmental legislation both to the letter and the spirit of the law and continue to monitor new developments in order to meet best practice wherever possible.


Transport – Continue to monitor and evaluate the transport options for transport of stock and display materials to fairs and festivals.  Currently it is not viable to switch to a sustainably powered vehicle and this is under regular review.   All meetings will be held online wherever possible.  Public transport will be used for all meetings outwith the north east wherever possible.  Geographical situation makes local public transport currently unviable.

Carbon –  Continue to monitor and evaluate carbon emissions through water and energy consumption.  Regular review of alternative options and methods of improving infrastructure to reduce emissions.

Waste – Continue to monitor and evaluate position in relation to zero waste, through repair, reuse, repurpose and ultimately recycling and compost.

Procurement – All purchases to be considered against the Business Relationship policy below and also the following:

  • Provenance
  • Production method and environment
  • Lifetime of product and method of disposal at end of life

Investment – all investments and financial products will be considered against the Business Relationship policy below.

Equality and Diversity –  GSEPT is committed to encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion amongst its workforce and all organisations and individuals with who they work regardless of gender, sexual orientation, age, race or faith.  GSEPT, in providing goods to the general public is committed against unlawful discrimination of customers or the public.


We will work to ensure that this policy is applied in all areas of our operations. We will never knowingly do business with any organisation or individual whose practices conflict with these policies.

Human Rights – We will not do business with any organisation or individual who

  • Fails to uphold basic human rights, as defined by the United Nations2 both within their own organisation and their sphere of influence.
  • Has business links to an oppressive regime, as listed by Ethical Consumer 3.


Equality – We will not do business with any organisation or individual who is found to discrimination either in person or by corporate culture against any individual or group on the basis of any one or more of the following:

  • Gender
  • Sexual orientation
  • Age
  • Race
  • Faith

Environmental Impact  – We will not do business with any organisation or individual whose core activity contributes to:

  • Global climate change through the extraction of fossil fuels.
  • The manufacture of chemicals which are persistent in the environment and linked to long term health concerns.
  • The unsustainable harvest of natural resources, including timber and fish.

In addition we seek to support and work with organisations and individuals who are involved in:

  • Recycling and sustainable waste management
  • Renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Sustainable natural products and services
  • Development of sustainable alternatives to current manufactured products
  • The pursuit of ecological sustainability.

Global Trade – We will not do business with any organisation or individual  with:

  • Any business with irresponsible marketing practices in developing countries.

In addition we will seek to support and work with any organisation or individual who takes a responsible and proactive position with respect to:

  • Fair Trade
  • Labour rights within their own organisation and sphere of influence and supply chains, particularly in developing countries.

Employee Relations  – We will not do business with any organisation or individual who:

  • Has a poor record of employee relations particularly in the areas of health and safety, labour practices, employee benefits and employment equity.
  • Uses child or forced labour in the business model
  • Uses any form of modern slavery as defined by Anti-Slavery International 4

Military Weapons – We will not do business with any organisation or individual:

  • Involved in the manufacture or design of weapons, instruments of warfare, instruments of torture.
  • Derives benefit or revenue from any of the above.

Tobacco – We will not do business with any organisation or individual:

  • Involved in the manufacture or design of tobacco products of any kind
  • Derives benefit or revenue from any of the above.

Animal Welfare  – We will not do business with any organisation or individual whose business model is dependent upon:

  • Animal testing
  • Blood sports
  • The Fur Trade

Dated: 8 November 2023

Review Date 8 November 2024

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