The woman behind the brand

The Journey to Eco Friendly Luxury Fashion Brand

Starting an eco friendly luxury fashion business was never on my radar, let alone a fashion business where I would be printing the clothes myself. Yet, here I am, incredibly grateful for the journey. It took me some time to find my place in the world, but I finally did!

After a career supporting voluntary organisations across the world access and use European and statutory funds I returned to my two loves, textiles and foraging.    Initially I continued my interest in herbal medicine and began the long process of training to be a clinical herbalist.  However, the pandemic shifted my perspective when all our training moved online. I realised that while I loved working with plants, I didn’t want to be a clinician.

For years, I had been eco-printing for myself, creating eco friendly luxury fashion for myself and family, artworks, and books. The great pause that was lockdown provided an opportunity to refine these skills. As restrictions lifted, I began selling eco friendly luxury fashion at events across northern England and found that others loved the clothes too. I had big plans for 2022, but life had other ideas. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January and suffered severe burns to my feet in February. The next seven months were spent at home, unable to walk,  recovering from surgery and cancer treatment, my plans shattered.


As life takes with one hand it gives with the other and that time sitting (and falling asleep a lot) in the garden gave me time to reflect and refocus my plans. I had already decided to print exclusively onto second hand clothes, to use quality and luxury fabrics, and to encourage people to look at eco friendly luxury second hand as more than a cheap bargain.

A very happy woman dressed in a linen tunic eco printed with purple continus leaves jumps for joy in the middle of her luxury eco friendly clothing display
Gillian stands under a rose bower wearing yellow cashmere eco print jumper


But I wanted to take it a step further.  Thus the Revolution Line was born.  A genuine take back scheme where not only is every return repurposed but clients are rewarded for wearing their clothes until they fall apart.  It also gives back buy supporting an Ancient Woodland in Northumberland.  True circularity in action

I used that year to learn about the wastage in the fashion industry at all levels, not just cheap fast fashion but also luxury fashion.  I learned to read through the lines and identify greenwashing and misleading statistics. Determined to do things differently, I wanted to expose these issues and encourage people to rethink their approach to fashion.

By the time 2023 rolled around I had a new business plan.  I wasn’t selling clothes,  I was selling the idea that fashion could be fun, exciting, pretty without costing the earth.  Eco friendly luxury fashion is not just a day dream but a reality.

Since then, I have continued to learn, grow, and expand my offerings, passionately promoting alternative ways to buy and use clothing. This journey is ongoing, and with every dress sold, I hope to spread the story further and strengthen the movement for change. Eco friendly luxury fashion is one step in that movement.

Stop and have a look around, perhaps you might like to join the movement.

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